SDP in the European Parliament
Social Democrats warmly welcome European cooperation. No country can meet the challenges they face alone. Through cooperation, Europe can fight unemployment, climate change, crime and conflicts more effectively.
S&D group
The SDP’s representatives in the European Parliament are Eero Heinäluoma and Maria Guzenina.

Eero Heinäluoma

Maria Guzenina
The Members of the European Parliament (MEP) from the SDP belong to the S&D group. The S&D Group of the European Parliament has 191 members in its ranks. It is the second largest and the most united group in the parliament.
The S&D group supports an inclusive European society based on the principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, diversity, and justice. The members of the group are committed to promoting social justice, labor and development, consumer rights, sustainability, financial market reforms and human rights in their work European Parliament.
The Party of European Socialists (PES)
The Party of European Socialists (PES) brings together social democratic parties from all over Europe. Moreover, the PES has a total of 28 member parties.
Many organizations operate inside the PES such as the European social-democratic youth organization (Young European Socialists); additionally, the Demarinuoret (the SDP Youth) and Demariopiskelijat (Social-Democratic Students) are part of the Young European Socialists.