Safe and functional municipalities

Every residential area, city district and neighbourhood must be a good, safe place to live.

Municipalities must work to prevent segregation of residential areas and invest in the production of reasonably priced and varied housing. Furthermore, municipalities must ensure that segregation between schools is not accelerated by school catchment areas and school choices. This will reduce the cumulative lack of wellbeing, social exclusion and crime among young people.

Housing investment programmes must be implemented in cities to prevent atrophy, shortages of skilled workers, residents’ poverty and inequality between residential areas. Eradication of homelessness by 2030 must be a goal for Finland.

We believe that every working person must have the opportunity to live comfortably, even in big cities. Cities must invest in reasonably priced housing production whilst the government is driving down state-supported housing production and cutting housing support.

Municipalities must invest in maintaining roads, as well as lighting and safe transport solutions. Furthermore, municipalities must also make daily life safer through means such as city planning, housing policy and functional services.

Municipalities must ensure comprehensive and reasonably priced public transport connections, which can also help boost municipalities’ role as climate actors. Residential areas must be designed so that services, hobbies and workplaces are accessible by public transport and light transport. Efforts must also be made to ensure public transport is accessible outside of large urban regions.

A stricter approach must be taken in tackling the adverse effects of the use of electric scooters and their use regulated in particular in city centres, for example with dedicated parking areas.

The need for an ambulance or the fire brigade can arise anywhere. For this reason, the service level and operating prerequisites of rescue services must be ensured in every corner of Finland. The operating prerequisites for contract fire brigades must be safeguarded, as they play an important role in ensuring safety.

  • Production of reasonably priced and varied housing in cities must be increased and housing investment programmes implemented.
  • Segregation of and inequality between residential areas to be prevented with planning, transport connections and services.
  • Segregation cycles when it comes to schools are to be disrupted and schools supported as needed.
  • Neighbourhoods must be developed by improving their services.
  • Everyday safety must be improved in every municipality.
  • Children, young people and families in a weaker socio-economic position must be taken into account in housing services.
  • Investments must be made in developing light transport and public transport.
  • A climate plan is to be compiled in every municipality.
  • The level of rescue services and number of rescue workers are to be maintained in wellbeing services counties.